Hex Bear
The best way to buy cheap HEX
- Monetizing the buy button of HEX -
- Trading crypto gamified -
- Inflationary - Trustless - Immutable -
- Product of Hex Bear - A fork of battle-tested, bug free and successful Erc 20 tokens -
- First pair - HXBR / HEX -
- To Be Announced -
75% of the minted amount goes to the buyer.
25% is minted for HiberStash
HXBR is an atomic swap that executes a buy on Uniswap on the user's behalf and mints HXBR as a reward for buying HEX. The Hex Bear ERC20 contract is designed to incentivize people to buy Hex by offering them rewards in the form of Hex Bear tokens. The contract uses an inflation mechanism, where the amount of tokens that can be minted decreases with every swap and the minimum amount of Hex required to hold goes up, to prevent abuse and reward long-term holders. A portion of the minted tokens, 25%, goes to a separate Stashing contract called HiberStash. In addition to the amount of Hex Bear that can be minted going down in each swap, the minimum amount of cost in USDC terms also goes up a small amount with each swap. To mint more with the next swap, a user must hold the amount of HEX received from all previous swaps plus the "Required To Hold" amount.
Minimum USDC Rate = Swap Counter X 0.0001%
Starting minimum of HEX to hold = 100
Minimum Required amount Hex holding Rate = Swap Counter X 0.001%
Swap Counter:
The swap counter is used to track the number of swaps performed in the contract. It is used to determine the minimum amount of Hex required to hold and the personal wait time for the next swap. The minimum requirement to swap in USDC also goes up every time by 0.0001% of the swap counter.
Mint Wait Time:
The personal wait time for the next swap goes up with every swap by how many times the user has minted. If the mint counter is equal to 2, then the wait time is equal to (mint counter) x 2 = 4 days. This helps to prevent abuse of the inflation mechanism and reward long-term holders.
Minting Mechanism:
The initial mint limit is set to 1 Hex Bear MAX, which is the maximum amount that can be minted in the first swap. No more than 1 Hex Bear can be minted in the initial swap. The amount you can mint depends on how much HEX you buy. The amount that can be minted goes up with every swap. The amount that can be minted can be increased in certain circumstances, such as between mint counts 11 to 25 where 110% can be minted and between mint counts 56 to 100 where 150% can be minted. The amount that can be minted also goes down globally for everyone after each swap. The decay of mint mechanism works slower in reqards to the others.
For Example
If you buy 1,000 HEX on your second swap, you can mint 25% of what you buy. 250 HXBR
75% goes to the user. 25% goes to HiberStash.
Minting decay rate = 0.0000001 X SwapCounter
On these counts, you can mint 25% of the swap amount: 2 to 5
you can mint 50% of the swap on count: 6 to 10
you can mint 75% of the swap on count: 11 to 20
you can mint 110% of the swap on count: 21 to 25
you can mint 125% of the swap on count: 26 to 40
you can mint 130% of the swap on count: 41 to 55
you can mint 150% of the swap on count: 56 to 100
you can mint the full swap amount after count 100
HiberStash Stashing Contract:
A portion of the minted tokens, specifically 25%, is directed towards the HiberStash Stashing contract. The purpose of this Stashing contract is to reward long-term holders of Hex Bear and to provide additional incentives to use the protocol.
The legacy token is deflationary and no more can be created.
HXB will continue to be used as the legacy token and will serve a purpose for the ecosystem. Liquidity will be the main focus for HXB.
The Hex Bear ERC20 contract is a unique way to incentivize people to buy Hex and reward long-term holders. With its swap counter and mint wait time, it helps to prevent abuse of the inflation mechanism and reward those who hold for the long term. The HiberStash Stashing contract provides additional additional incentives to use the protocol and rewards for holding Hex Bear. This contract offers a unique opportunity for people to invest in Hex and earn rewards for doing so.
More Hex Bear Updates and Products will be announced after Pulsechain launch.
Hex Stashinggo.Hex.com
#1: Hex has to do well for Hex Bear to grow.